Monday, March 11, 2013

My Reason for Doing This

  I've been contemplating starting a blog about politics for awhile now, but I kept putting it off because I haven't ever blogged before and wasn't sure how to do it. I finally decided to learn because I am beyond frustrated with the state of this country these days to the point that I feel I need to be a guiding voice. Everything is totally out of control and literally gets worse on a daily basis. I figure a blog could not only help me express my frustrations but could also be an avenue for exposing more people to what is actually going on out there. Sadly, so many people these days are either misinformed or completely uniformed altogether and that lack of knowledge is allowing this once great nation to crumble. Our elected officials in Washington can't seem to get anything done so maybe with the proper knowledge, we the people can...

  Since I'm new to this I don't really have a set schedule or format yet, but I was thinking of doing something along the lines of writing about what is headlining the news each day or two; a top stories kind of thing along with my own take on the story if warranted.

  This country isn't lost yet. There's still time to fix this gigantic mess, but time is rapidly running out. It is up to us as citizens to empower ourselves through knowledge and fight for this country. Ronald Reagan once said, "To sit back hoping someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will." These words may have been spoken nearly 30 years ago, but they mean more now than ever before.

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